Yes, for all your Corporate Acquirement, Gift Vouchers and Buyer Promotions Exercises, kindly reach out to us on 08097934402 or email us at [email protected] or visit the wholesale Page to find out more.

Your items will arrive in separate packages if your order includes items from multiple sellers. In the event that your request comprises of things from a solitary seller, your things might show up together or independently. Assuming your orders show up independently, be have confidence that the leftover item(s) will be delivered presently.

MieWord is a global marketplace and internet-based commercial center that upholds both Nigerian and international business people and we have a wide range of sellers vieing for business. As a result, different sellers might offer the same item at different prices. We accept that by supporting these ‘outsider’ dealers, we can offer you a more extensive item determination, more decisions, expanded comfort, and better valuing.

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We offer every one of our clients extreme inward feeling of harmony. We take care of you 100 percent on each qualified buy. Visit the Purchaser Wellbeing Page to find out more. And we warned every buyer not to pay to customers account without informing us. Why?  for easy tracking and refund

MieWord fast shipping and delivery items to clients all over Nigeria. Abuja takes 1-3 days, Lagos takes 2-5 days, Ondo takes 2-4, and other states take 3-5 days.

MieWord is a global online marketplace that gives Nigerians everywhere a sense of control. This implies that not all items on MieWord are sold or delivered by MieWord. Additionally, MieWord buyers and sellers can be found in each Nigerian state and out Nigerians. Given the different variables included (the time it takes a vender or seller to send, the dispatch organization utilized, the distance among purchaser and dealer, and that’s just the beginning) delivery times might shift.

Once your order are arrived to the distribution station any of our MLS staff will deliver it, and if they are out for services we can also use third party delivery company or it can also be delivered by the seller representatives, not necessarily whether the thing was sold by MieWord or other seller and on the conveyance strategy picked by an seller. You might be called preceding or around the same day to check whether you are available to accept your order.

You will be contacted by MieWord staff through email, SMS or Phone calls with your order details

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