Privacy Policy

MieWord Privacy Policy

1. About this Notice: This Privacy Notice explains how MieWord uses your personal information when you visit our website or mobile apps. It sets out how we manage your information and how we keep it secure and clarifies the freedoms that you have in connection with your information. 

2. What Our identity is

MieWord is one of the most outstanding driving web-based business market stages. Our platform is made up of three components: our marketplace, which connects buyers and sellers, our logistics service, which makes it possible for buyers and sellers to ship and receive packages, and our payment service, which makes it easier to conduct business with participants who are active on our platform in particular markets.

This site as well as a portable application is worked by an individual from the MieWord organization. On our website, you can find information about our subsidiaries.

Any private information given or gathered by MieWord is constrained by the auxiliary that the site and additionally portable application connects with. 

3. The Information We Gather About You?

Individual information implies any data that can be utilized to distinguish straightforwardly or by implication a particular person. We gather your information to give customized items and administrations and to break down and persistently work on our items and administrations. For marketing and personal data optimization purposes, we may collect, use, store, and transfer various types of personal data. MieWord likewise utilizes Facebook and Google Computerized Advertising to propose designated offers for specific items and administrations to our clients.

When you register and conduct business on our website and mobile platforms, you give us access to your personal information. 

The individual information we gather incorporates:

• Information we receive from you: Your identity, contact, biometrics, delivery address, and financial data are among the information we receive and store from you. Personal information may include:

Contact information, such as your name, postal address, phone number, and email address; information about your online registration, such as your password and other authentication details; payment information, such as your credit card information and billing address; responses to surveys or market research on customer satisfaction; entries and submissions to competitions; and, in some instances, your marketing preferences.

• Information we obtain from third parties or automatically collect: Certain types of information about how you use the MieWord marketplace, such as your searches, views, downloads, and purchases, are automatically collected and stored. Likewise, we might get data about you from outsiders including our transporters; providers of payment services; merchants/brands; also, and promoting specialist organizations.

These kinds of individual information might connect with your gadget (like your PC, tablet, or other cell phone), your utilization of our sites and applications, and your geographic area. These kinds of information include the following:

• personal data contained within user-generated content (such as blogs and social media postings), • social media user name or ID, and • social media profile photo and other information about your social media profile (such as the number of followers). • unique identifiers associated with your device. • details of web pages that you have visited. • which products you have looked at online (including information about products you have searched for or viewed, purchased, or added to an online shopping basket). • how long you spend on particular areas of a website

4. Cookies and Other Identifiers A cookie is a small file containing letters and numbers that, if you give your consent, we store on your computer, mobile device, or tablet. Treats permit us to recognize you from different clients of our site and portable applications, which assists us with furnishing you with an improved perusing experience. Please read our Cookie Notice for more information about cookies and how we use them:

5. How We Utilize Your Own Information

We utilize your own information to work, give, create, and work on the items and administrations that we offer, including the accompanying:

• Enrolling you as a new client.

• Handling and conveying your orders.

• Handling how you interact with us.

• Empowering you to take part in advancements, rivalries, and reviews.

• Working on our site, applications, items, and administrations.

• Promoting or recommending goods or services that might be of interest to you.

• Empowering you to get to specific items and administrations presented by our accomplices and merchants. 

• Conforming to our legitimate commitments, including checking your personality where vital.

• Finding fraud.

6. Legitimate reason for the handling of Individual Information

We will just deal with your own information where we have a legitimate premise to do as such. The purposes for which we have collected and used your personal data will determine the legal basis. In pretty much every case the lawful premise will be one of the following:

• Assent: For instance, if you have consented to receive particular marketing from us. You have the option of withdrawing your consent at any time by clicking the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of any marketing email we send you. Where we must comprehend our customers, advertise our services, and function efficiently, provided that this is done lawfully and does not inadvertently violate your privacy or other rights. 

• Execution of an agreement with you: This would likewise apply where we really want to make strides preceding going into an agreement with you. For instance, if you have purchased a product from us and we need to process your order and send you the product, we will need to use your contact information and payment information.

• Consistence with regulation: Where we are dependent upon a lawful commitment and need to involve our own information to follow that commitment.

7. How We Share Your Personal Data i. For the following reasons, we may need to share your personal data with third parties:

• Offer of items and administrations: To convey items and administrations bought in our commercial center from outsiders, we might be expected to give your own information to such outsiders.

• Working with outsider specialist organizations: We contract with third parties to carry out specific tasks for us. Delivering packages, processing payments, analyzing data, assisting with marketing, fulfilling product or service orders, assessing and managing credit risk, and providing customer service are examples.

• Business moves: As we keep on fostering our business, we could sell or purchase different organizations or administrations.

• Recognizing fraud and abuse: In accordance with applicable law, we disclose account and other personal data to other businesses and organizations for the purposes of preventing fraud and lowering credit risk.

ii. When we share your personal information with others, we:

• ask them to agree to use your data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, this Privacy Policy, and applicable law; • only give them permission to use your personal information for a limited amount of time and in accordance with our instructions.

8. International Transfers If permitted by applicable laws in your location, we may transfer your personal data to locations in another country. There are inborn dangers in such exchanges.

9. Information Maintenance

We will find each sensible way to guarantee that your information is handled for the base time frame important for the reasons set out in this Security Notice. Your Data may be stored in a way that makes it impossible to identify you for as long as: 

i. Our relationship with you is ongoing. As a result, we will be able to ensure that you receive communications from us and enhance your interaction with us. Your Own Information is vital regarding the reasons set out in this Security Notice and we have a legitimate lawful premise,

We will effectively survey the individual information we hold and erase it safely, or at times anonymize it when there could be presently not a legitimate, business or customer need for it to be held. 

10. Data Security We have implemented security measures to prevent the accidental loss, misuse, unauthorized access, or disclosure of your personal information.

We have procedures in place to deal with any suspected breach of personal data and will notify you and any relevant regulator of a breach when required by law to do so.

11. Your Legal Possibilities It is essential that the personal information we hold about you be current and accurate. Kindly keep us informed assuming your information changes during your relationship with us.

ii. You have the right to access, correct, or delete your data under certain circumstances, object to or restrict the processing of your data, request that we transfer your data to a third party, and unsubscribe from our emails and newsletters under data protection laws. 

12. Contact the Data Privacy Officer at [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns about MieWord’s Privacy Policy, want more information about how we process your data, or want to exercise your legal rights regarding your data. 

We promise to conduct an investigation into any complaint regarding our handling of Personal Data and to respond to all valid complaints within the stipulated timeframes.