Terms of use

The Marketplace’s General Terms and Conditions for Buyers and Sellers

1.1, Introduction

MieWord” is the exchanging name for the MieWord organization recorded in Reference Section

1. Under Appendix 1 (the “Territory”), each MieWord organization (MieWord or “we”) operates an e-commerce platform that consists of a website and mobile application (the “marketplace”), as well as supporting IT logistics and payment infrastructure, for the sale and purchase of consumer goods and services (the “products”).

1.2. These general agreements will apply to purchasers and dealers in the commercial center and will administer your utilization of the commercial center and related administrations.

1.3. By using our marketplace, you agree to all of these general terms. You must not utilize our marketplace if you disagree with these general terms and conditions or any part of them.

1.4. If you use our marketplace as part of a project for your company or another organization, you are:

• 1.4.1. Affirm that you have gotten the essential power to consent to these general agreements;

• 1.4.2. tie both yourself and the individual organization or other legitimate element that works that business or authoritative task to these general agreements; and

• 1.4.3. concur that you in these general agreements will reference both the singular client and the significant individual organization or legitimate element except if the setting requires in any case.

2. 2.1. Registration and account You may not enroll with our commercial center assuming you are under 18 years old (by utilizing our commercial center or consenting to these general agreements you warrant and address to us that you are something like 18 years old).

2.2. You will be required to provide an email address, user ID, and password when registering for an account in our marketplace, and you agree to the following:
• 2.2.1. keep your secret word classified;

• 2.2.2. Advise us to record as a hard copy right away (utilizing our contact subtleties given in segment 26) in the event that you become mindful of any exposure of your secret key; and

• 2.2.3. be liable for any activity that occurs on our marketplace as a result of your failure to protect your password, and you may be held liable for any losses that result from your failure to do so.

• 2.2.4. You are solely responsible for using your account, and you must not transfer it to anyone else. Assuming you approve any outsider to deal with your record for your sake this will be despite copious advice to the contrary.
• 2.2.5. We might suspend or drop your record or potentially alter your record subtleties whenever in our only prudence and without notice or that’s what clarification giving assuming we drop any items or administrations you have paid for but not got and you have not penetrated these general agreements we will discount you in regard of something similar.

• By contacting us, you can cancel your account on our marketplace.

3. Conditions of sale, sections

3.1 You recognize and concur that:

• 3.1.1. the commercial center provides an internet-based area for merchants to offer and purchasers to buy items;

• 3.1.2. We will accept binding sales on behalf of sellers, but MieWord is not a party to the transaction between the seller and the buyer unless MieWord is listed as the seller; and

• 3.1.3. When a buyer and seller enter into a contract for the sale and purchase of a product or products, you agree to buy or sell the relevant product or products when the buyer confirms their purchase via the marketplace.

3.2. The buyer and seller’s contract for sale and purchase will be governed by the seller’s terms of business, subject to these general terms and conditions. Despite this, the contract of sale and purchase between the buyer and the seller will include the following clauses:

• 3.2.1. the cost for an item will be as expressed in the important item posting;

• 3.2.2. The product’s price must be inclusive of all taxes and under current laws;

• 3.2.3. Delivery fees, packaging fees, handling fees, administrative fees, insurance fees, and any other applicable ancillary costs will only be paid by the buyer if it is explicitly stated in the product listing; and digital products can be delivered electronically;

• 3.2.4. Products must be of a satisfactory quality, suitable and safe for any purpose specified in the listing, and in all material respects conform to the seller’s product description and any other description provided to the buyer; and

• 3.2.5. The seller guarantees that it is the sole legal and beneficial owner of the physical products it sells, that it has good title to them, and that it is authorized to supply them in accordance with this agreement. In addition, the seller guarantees that the products are free from any restrictions placed on them by third parties, such as intellectual property rights, criminal insolvency, or tax investigations; Additionally, the seller guarantees that it is authorized to provide the buyer with digital products.

4. Refunds and returns

4.1 Returns of items by purchasers and acknowledgment of returned items by supplier will be overseen by us as per the profits page on the commercial center and might be corrected now and again. Acknowledgment of profits will be in our care subject to consistency with relevant laws of the domain.

4.2. The refunds page on the marketplace, which may be updated from time to time, will be used to handle returns of products. Our principles on discounts will be practiced in our tact subject to relevant laws of the region. We might offer discounts on our attentiveness:

• 4.2.1. in relation to the cost of the product;

• 4.2.2. nearby as well as global delivery expenses (as expressed on the discounts page); • through store credits, vouchers, mobile money transfers, bank transfers, or any other means that we may periodically decide upon. if

4.3. MieWord, acting on the seller’s behalf, will accept returned items and issue refunds. Despite passages 4.1 and 4.2 above in regard to computerized items or administrations and new food MieWord will give discounts in regard to disappointments in conveyance as it were. Discounts of installment for such items for some other reasons will be dependent upon the supplier’s agreements of offer.

4.4. Changes to our profits page or discounts page will be powerful with all buys produced using the date of distribution of the change on our site.

5. 5.1 payments You should make installments due under these general agreements as per the Installments Data and Rules on the commercial center.

6. 6.1 Store Credit The MieWord Store Credit Terms and Conditions, as they may be updated from time to time, govern how Store Credits can be earned and managed. MieWord reserves the right to revoke or remove MieWord store credit rewards for any reason it deems appropriate, including suspicions of dishonesty or fraud. You can see Prize Store Credit agreements on our site

7. Advancements

7.1. Advancements and contests run by MieWord and additionally different advertisers will be overseen as per the Advancements Agreements. You can see every Advancement’s agreements on our site

8. Guidelines for your content

8.1 Your content is defined as follows in these broad terms and conditions:

• 8.1.1. all of the works and materials you submit to us or our marketplace for storage, publication, processing, or subsequent transmission, including but not limited to text, graphics, images, audio, video, scripts, software, and files; and

• 8.1.2. all interchanges on the commercial center including item surveys criticism and remarks.

8.2. In order for us to use your content in accordance with these general terms and conditions, it must be truthful, accurate, and complete.

8.3. Your content must adhere to generally accepted internet etiquette and be appropriate, civil, and tasteful, and it must not:

• 8.3.1. be obscene, pornographic, indecent, lewd, suggestive, or sexually explicit;

• 8.3.2. portray viciousness in an unequivocal realistic or needless way; or

• 8.3.3. be blasphemous in violation of laws against racism, religious intolerance, or discrimination;

• 8.3.4. be fraudulent, threatening, abusive, harassing, antisocial, menacing, hateful, discriminatory, or inflammatory;

• 8.3.5. cause anyone annoyance, inconvenience, or unnecessary anxiety; or

• 8.3.6. be considered spam.

8.4. Your content must not be illegal, infringe on someone else’s legal rights, or cause someone else to sue you (in any case, in any jurisdiction and under any applicable law). Your content must not violate the following:

• 8.4.1. any copyright moral right data set right brand name right plan right in passing off or other licensed innovation right;

• 8.4.2. any right to confidentiality, privacy, or compliance with data protection laws;

• 8.4.3. any obligation imposed by a contract on anyone; or on the other hand

• any court request.

8.5. You should not utilize our commercial center to connect to any site or page comprising of or containing material that would be posted on our commercial center to break the arrangements of these general agreements.

8.6. You should not submit to our commercial center any material that is or has at any point been the subject of any undermined or genuine judicial actions or other comparative protest.

8.7. Buyer reviews of products can be made easier by using the marketplace’s review function. You are not allowed to post fake or inaccurate reviews using the review feature or any other means of communication.

8.8. You are not allowed to disrupt a transaction by

• 8.8.1. reaching one more client to trade a thing recorded on the commercial center beyond the commercial center; or

• 8.8.2. contacting a user who is either currently engaged in a transaction or has completed one to warn them to stay away from a particular seller, buyer, or item; or

• 8.8.3. attempting to contact another user in order to collect any payments.

8.9. You agree to communicate with other users with caution and good judgment given that each user of the marketplace is solely responsible for their interactions. You will not send them individual data including charge card subtleties.

8.10. We may occasionally audit your substance and we maintain whatever authority is needed to eliminate any satisfaction at our prudence under any condition.

8.11. You may notify us by contacting us as outlined in Section 9 if you learn of any unlawful material or activity on our marketplace or material or activity that violates these general terms and conditions. Our rights to use your content

9.1 You grant us a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, adapt, publish, translate, and distribute your content on our marketplace, through our marketing channels, and in any media now in existence or in the future.

9.2 You grant us the authority to sublicense the rights granted in Section 9.1; 9.3 You grant us the authority to bring an action against you for infringement of the rights granted in Section 9.1; and 9.4 You hereby waive all moral rights in your content to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law. Additionally, you warrant and represent that you have waived all other moral rights associated with your content to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law.

9.5. If you violate our content rules in any way or if we reasonably suspect you have violated our content rules, we may remove, edit, or unpublish any or all of your content without limiting our other rights under these general terms and conditions.

10. Utilization of mobile and website applications 10.1. The terms “marketplace” and “website” will be used interchangeably throughout this section to refer to MieWord’s mobile applications and websites.

10.2. You may:

• 10.2.1. view pages from our site in an internet browser;

• 10.2.2. download pages from our site for reserving in an internet browser;

• 10.2.3. print pages from our site for your very own and non-business use given that such printing isn’t precise or over the top;

• 10.2.4. transfer sound and video documents from our site utilizing the media player on our site; and

• 10.2.5. utilize our commercial center administrations through an internet browser subject to different arrangements of these general agreements.

10.3. Besides as explicitly allowed by area 10.2 or different arrangements of these general agreements you should not download any material from our site or save any such material to your PC.

10.4. You may just involve our site for your very own and business purposes in regard of selling or buying items on the commercial center.

10.5. You are not permitted to edit or otherwise modify any content on our website unless specifically permitted by these general terms and conditions.

10.6. You must not do the following unless you own or control the relevant rights to the material:

• 10.6.1 republish material from our site (remembering republication for another site);

• 10.6.2. rent, sublicense, or sell content from our website;

• 10.6.3. publicize any content from our website;

• 10.6.4. repurpose content from our website for commercial gain; or

• 10.6.5. Republish content from our website.

10.7. You are permitted to redistribute our newsletter and promotional materials in print and electronic form to any individual, despite section 10.6.

10.8. Access to specific areas of our website and/or features on our website may be suspended or restricted at any time. We may for instance suspend admittance to the site during server upkeep or when we update the site. Any access control measures on the website must not be circumvented or attempted to be circumvented.

10.9. You should not:

• 10.9.1. utilize our site in any capacity or make any move that causes or may harm the site or disability of the presentation accessibility availability uprightness or security of the site;

• 10.9.2. utilize our site in any capacity that is dishonest unlawful fake or unsafe or regarding any unlawful deceitful or hurtful reason or movement;

• 10.9.3. hacked or altered our website in any other way;

• 10.9.4. without our permission, probe, scan, or test our website’s vulnerability;

• 10.9.5. evade any validation or security frameworks or cycles on or connecting with our site;

• 10.9.6. copy, store, transmit, use, publish, or distribute content from our website that contains or is linked to spyware, computer viruses, Trojan horses, rootkits, keystroke loggers, or other malicious software;

• 10.9.7. force an absurdly enormous burden on our site assets (counting transfer speed capacity limit and handling limit);

• 10.9.8. without our permission, decrypt or decipher any communications sent to or from our website;

• 10.9.9. lead any efficient or robotized information assortment exercises (counting without limit scratching information mining information extraction and information reaping) on or according to our site without our express composed assent;

• 10.9.10. access or in any case associate with our site utilizing any robot bug or other mechanized implies aside from the motivation behind web crawler ordering;

• 10.9.11. utilize our website only through our public interfaces;

• 10.9.12. abuse the orders set out in the robots.txt document for our site;

• 10.9.13. use information gathered from our site for any immediate promoting movement (counting without impediment email showcasing SMS advertising selling and direct mailing); or

• 10.9.14. do whatever impedes the ordinary utilization of our site.

11. Trademarks and copyright 11.1. Dependent upon the express arrangements of these general agreements:

• 11.1.1. All copyright and other intellectual property rights in our website and its content are ours, along with those of our licensors; and

• 11.1.2. All rights to our website’s content and copyright and other intellectual property are reserved.

11.2. Our trademarks include the logos of MieWord as well as our other registered and unregistered trademarks; The use of these trademarks may violate our rights and we grant no permission for their use.

11.3. The outsider enrolled and unregistered brand names or administration marks on our site are the property of their particular proprietors and we don’t embrace and are not subsidiary with any of the holders of any such privileges and as such we can’t give any permit to exercise such freedoms.

12. Security of data

12.1. Buyers consent to MieWord processing their personal information in accordance with the Privacy and Cookie Notice.

12.2. In accordance with our Privacy and Cookie Notice and Privacy Policy, MieWord is responsible for the processing of any and all personal information obtained through the marketplace and related services.

12.3. Sellers will be straightforwardly dependable to purchasers for any abuse of their own information and MieWord will bear no responsibility to purchasers in regard to any abuse by merchants of their own information.

13. Rights for due diligence and auditing We reserve the right to conduct due diligence checks on each market participant and operate a compliance program against fraud and money laundering.

13.2. You agree to grant us access to your business premises and any necessary information and documentation:

• 13.2.1. to check your adherence to and execution of your commitments under these agreements;

• 13.2.2. for the purpose of making disclosures in accordance with a valid court or other government order; or

• 13.2.3. as a result of other legal or regulatory requirements.

14. MieWord’s job as a commercial center

14.1. You are aware of that:

• 14.1.1. MieWord works with a commercial center for purchasers and outsider vendors or MieWord where MieWord is the dealer of an item;

• 14.1.2. the important merchant of the item (whether MieWord is the vendor or whether it is an outsider dealer) will consistently remain solely obligated for the items they sell on the commercial center; and

• 14.1.3. The procedure outlined in MIEWORD’S DISPUTE RESOLUTION POLICY

14.2 should be followed by the buyer if there is a problem with the purchase of a product that is available for purchase on the market. We pledge to ensure that MieWord or third-party sellers, as appropriate, submit complete, accurate, and up-to-date product information to the marketplace in accordance with:

• 14.2.1. the significant merchant warrants and addresses the culmination and precision of their data distributed on our commercial center connecting with their items;

• 14.2.2. the important merchant warrants and addresses that the material in the commercial center is forward-thinking; and

• 14.2.3. Using the procedure outlined in MIEWORD’S DISPUTE RESOLUTION POLICY, a buyer can seek recourse from the relevant seller if they have a complaint regarding the accuracy or completeness of product information received from a seller (including MieWord).

14.3. We do not guarantee or imply that the market will be error-free; or that the marketplace or any of its services will continue to be available in the event of circumstances beyond MieWord’s control (force majeure events), such as earthquake, flood, drought, or other natural disasters; hacking infections malware or other noxious programming assaults on the commercial center; terrorism, conflict, civil unrest, or riots; war preparation or threat of war; plagues or pandemics; or circumstances outside of the Constitution that have a significant negative impact on the political or macroeconomic stability of the territory as a whole.

14.4. Any and all of our marketplace services and marketplace publishing options are subject to change at our sole discretion and without prior notice or explanation; also, you won’t be qualified for any pay or other installment upon the discontinuance or modification of any commercial center administrations or on the other hand on the off chance that we quit distributing the commercial center. This is without bias to your privileges in regard to any unfulfilled orders or other existing liabilities of MieWord.

14.5. We will give buyers and sellers clear instructions on how to proceed with the pending transactions or other liabilities of MieWord if we discontinue or change any or all of our marketplaces in circumstances that are not related to force majeure. This notice must be given to them at least fifteen (15) days in advance.

14.6. We ensure no business results concerning the utilization of the commercial center.

We disclaim all representations and warranties regarding the marketplace, its use, and the subject matter of these general terms and conditions to the fullest extent permitted by law, subject to Section 15.1 below.

15.1 Exclusions and limitations of liability Nothing in these general agreements will:

• 15.1.1. limit liabilities in any way that does not comply with the law; or

• 15.1.2. reject any liabilities or legal freedoms that may not be barred under pertinent regulation.

15.2. The following are the liability limitations and exclusions outlined in Section 15 and elsewhere in these General Terms and Conditions:

• 15.2.1. are likely to segment 15.1; and

• 15.2.2. govern all liabilities arising from or related to the subject matter of these general terms and conditions, including those for breach of statutory duty, contract, tort (including negligence), and other forms of negligence, unless otherwise specified in these general terms and conditions.

15.3. We promise not to hold you responsible for any kind of loss or damage related to the free services we provide to you.

15.4. In accordance with these general terms and conditions, our total liability to you for any contract to provide services is limited to the contract’s total payment. For the purposes of this section 15, a separate contract is created for each distinct market transaction.

15.5. Despite segment 15.4 above we won’t be responsible to you for any misfortune or harm of any nature remembering regard to:

• 15.5.1. any misfortunes occasioned by any interference or brokenness to the site;

• 15.5.2. any misfortunes emerging out of any occasion or occasions past our sensible control;

• 15.5.3. any business losses, including but not limited to damage to profits, income, revenue, use, production, anticipated savings, commercial opportunities, business contracts, or goodwill;

• 15.5.4. any misfortune or debasement of any information data set or programming; or

• 15.5.5. any unique indirect or repercussional loss or damage.

15.6. We acknowledge that it is in our best interest to limit the personal liability of our officers and employees, and you acknowledge that we are a limited liability company in light of this interest; you concur that you won’t bring any case by and by against our officials or workers in regard of any misfortunes you experience regarding the commercial center or these general agreements (this won’t restrict or bar the responsibility of the restricted risk element itself for the demonstrations and exclusions of our officials and representatives).

15.7. Our commercial center incorporates hyperlinks to different sites claimed and worked by outsiders; These links do not constitute recommendations. We do not have any influence over the content or websites of third parties, and we do not accept any liability for them or any losses or damages that may result from your use of them.

16. 16.1 indemnification You thusly reimburse us and attempt to keep us repaid against:

• 16.1.1. all possible misfortunes harm costs liabilities and costs (counting without constraint lawful costs and any sums paid by us to any outsider in settlement of a case or question) caused or endured by us and emerging straightforwardly or in a roundabout way out of your utilization of our commercial center or any break by you of any arrangement of these general agreements or the Jumia codes strategies or rules; and

• 16.1.2. if you fail to pay withhold declare or register to pay any VAT or other tax that is properly due in any jurisdiction, any VAT liability or other tax liability that we may incur in relation to any sale, supply, or purchase made through our marketplace.

17. Breaks of these general agreements

17.1. Assuming we license the enlistment of a record on our commercial center it will stay open endlessly dependent upon these general agreements.

17.2. If you violate these general terms and conditions or if we have reasonable suspicion that you have violated any MieWord codes policies or guidelines in any way, we may:

• 17.2.1. briefly suspend your admittance to our commercial center;

• 17.2.2. forever preclude you from getting to our commercial center;

• 17.2.3. restrict the access of computers that use your IP address to our marketplace;

• 17.2.4. Make a request to all or any of your internet service providers to prevent you from accessing our marketplace;

• 17.2.5. either close your account on our marketplace or suspend it; and/or

• 17.2.6. start legal proceedings against you, whether for contract violations or other reasons.

17.3. Where we suspend restrict or obstruct your admittance to our commercial center or a piece of our commercial center you should not make any move to dodge such suspension or preclusion or hindering (counting without limit making or potentially utilizing an alternate record).

18. The entire agreement These general agreements and the MieWord codes approaches and rules (and in regard to dealers the merchant agreements) will comprise the whole understanding between you and us comparable to your utilization of our commercial center and will supplant all past arrangements among you and us corresponding to your utilization of our commercial center.

19. Order

19.1. In the event of a conflict between these general terms and conditions, the seller’s terms and conditions, and the MieWord codes policies and guidelines, the seller’s terms and conditions and the MieWord codes policies and guidelines will take precedence in the order listed above.

20. Variante

20.1 From time to time, we reserve the right to modify these general terms and conditions, the seller terms and conditions, and the MieWord codes, policies, and guidelines.

20.2. The new general terms and conditions go into effect on the day they are posted on the marketplace.

21. No waiver

21.1. A breach of one of these general terms and conditions will not be interpreted as a waiver of any other breach of that provision or any other provision of these general terms and conditions.

22. Severability

22.1. The remaining terms of these general terms and conditions will remain in effect even if a court or other competent authority finds one of them to be illegal or unenforceable.

22.2. If any unlawful or potentially unenforceable arrangement of these general agreements would be legal or enforceable assuming a piece of it were erased that part will be considered to be erased and the remainder of the arrangement will go on active.

23. Worksheet

23.1 In accordance with these general terms and conditions, you agree that we may transfer, subcontract, or otherwise deal with our rights and/or obligations.

23.2. Any of your rights and/or obligations under these general terms and conditions may not be transferred, assigned, subcontracted, or otherwise dealt with without our prior written consent.

24. Rights of third parties 24.1 An agreement under these general agreements is for our advantage and your advantage and isn’t planned to benefit or be enforceable by any outsider.

24.2. The activity of the gatherings’ freedoms under an agreement under these general agreements isn’t dependent upon the assent of any outsider.

25. Regulation and locale

25.1. The laws of the territory will be used to interpret and apply these general terms and conditions.

25.2. Any questions connecting with these general agreements will be dependent upon the restrictive purview of the courts of the region.

26. Our organization subtleties and takes note

26.1. Use the contact information in Appendix 1 to get in touch with us.

26.2. You might contact our sellers, suppliers, or vendors for after-deal questions including any debates by mentioning their contact subtleties from the MieWord as per the Debate Goal Strategy compliant with which MieWord will be obliged to guarantee that the dealer is recognizable.

26.3. You agree to get sees electronically from us. We might give all correspondences and data connected with your utilization of the commercial center in electronic arrangement either by presenting on our site or application or by email to the email address for you. You will be considered to have received and been properly given notice of all such communications if they are in writing.